Technische Daten und Spezifikationen

  • Combination of labeling with cold glue, hot glue, and self-adhesive labels possible
  • Switching between labeling methods by exchanging labeling stations
  • Simple connection of labeling stations with the base machine
  • Possibility to adjust the station positions relative to the central machine carousel
  • Servo-driven screw, independent of the machine's central drive
  • Compact dimensions, lowered worktable
  • Rooftable for easy drainage of cleaning fluids
  • Format change possible for container diameters between 50 and 110 mm
  • Option to change the machine configuration during format change as needed
  • Equipment 01.01, 0.314 I NOA-Bottle
  • Self-adhesive station M100, clearance width 200 mm, Station 1
  • Photoelectric cell for non-transparent labels, Station 1
  • Fixed base frame for self-adhesive station
  • Adjustable slide with 3 axes, manual, Self-adhesive station M100, Station 1
  • Protection for self-adhesive station (for modular machines), Station 1
  • Self-adhesive station M100, clearance width 200 mm, Station 2
  • Photoelectric cell for non-transparent labels, Station 2
  • Fixed base frame for self-adhesive station
  • Adjustable slide with 3 axes, manual, Self-adhesive station M100, Station 2
  • Protection for self-adhesive station (for modular machines), Station 2
  • Self-adhesive station M100, clearance width 200 mm, Station 3
  • Photoelectric cell for non-transparent labels, Station 3
  • Fixed base frame for self-adhesive station



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